Scrap car

  • Jane's Avatar
    Hi I hope I’m asking this question on the correct forum.
    myself and my neighbour share a double driveway she has a scrap car at the top of drive either side of both our front doors.
    it’s been there over 12 years it’s mouldy and is used for parts by her father who doesn’t live at this property.
    she parks her small car right behind this, but my husband then has to park at the side of her car and over on the neighbours grass so he can actually get in and out of his car.
    so either way we end up on the neighbours grass at some point.
    The question I’m asking is who can I contact to have the heep of junk car removed ?
    I have spoken to the neighbour but she doesn’t care as long as she has a pathway free to her front door then she doesn’t see a problem..
    (our car is only a small car aswel it’s a Citroen DS so you can see im not asking for lots of room just not to be walking on the neighbours grass front to get to my own front door.
  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    12 years is a long time!
    I'm no expert in these matters, but I imagine it's best to try again with the neighbour. perhaps making some kind of record that you've approached them, should things progress with the council or lawyers.
  • NMNeil's Avatar
    What does it say on your lease about parking on the driveway?