RAC Breakdown cover options
Can anyone help me with this please. I am looking to change my car insurance and the moment I have Homestart. I am doing this totally online and the options are not clear to me. What does the RAC "Roadside and at home" cover offer that "Vehicle recovery and approved repair" does not please?
3 Replies
Best Answer
Best AnswerHi @Bettyboop,
Welcome to the Community.
The main difference is that 'Roadside and at home' includes a tow of up to 10 miles if our patrol is unable to repair by the roadside.
If 'vehicle recovery' is added, then our patrol will take you to a UK destination of your choice.
I hope this helps. 🙂 -
Another difference is some basic covers only cover you if you’re further than a small distance (0.25 miles I think) from home, I assume as they consider it less of a priority if you’re already safe at home vs. broken down at the roadside