
  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi Neilbird,

    Welcome to the RAC Community.

    I'm not certain what colour the coolant is, perhaps one of our members has a bottle that they're able to check.
  • olduser's Avatar
    This is what AI Chat has to say;

    "Antifreeze comes in a variety of colours, and while the colour itself doesn't necessarily indicate the effectiveness of the product, it can signify different formulations and chemical compositions. Here are some common antifreeze colours and what they typically represent:

    1. **Green**: This is a traditional colour for ethylene glycol-based antifreeze, commonly used in older vehicles. It often contains inorganic additives, such as silicates and phosphates, which help prevent corrosion.

    2. **Orange**: This colour generally indicates a longer-life antifreeze, often used in newer models. It is usually based on organic acid technology (OAT) and is designed to last longer, often up to five years or 150,000 miles.

    3. **Red**: Similar to orange, red antifreeze typically uses OAT and is formulated to prevent corrosion and provide long-lasting protection. It is often found in certain brands or specific vehicle manufacturers.

    4. **Yellow**: This colour often represents a hybrid formula, known as Hybrid Organic Acid Technology (HOAT), which combines elements from both inorganic and organic additives. It’s often used in certain newer vehicles.

    5. **Pink**: Some antifreeze formulations, particularly those made for vehicles from specific manufacturers (like Volkswagen or Audi), are pink and indicate a specific type of OAT.

    6. **Blue**: Blue antifreeze is less common but may indicate specific formulations for certain brands or types of vehicles, often relating to its corrosion-inhibiting properties.

    It's important to note that mixing different types of antifreeze can lead to gel formation or decreased performance, so it's best to stick with the manufacturer's recommendations for your vehicle. Always check your owner's manual for the correct type of antifreeze to use."
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    Ready-mixed coolant would usually consist of anti-freeze, anti-corrosive, water pump lubricant and anything else they feel worth adding.
    If in any doubt as to the type you have, I can only suggest a complete drain and refill of your choice.