Turned in the incoming vehicle lane from lights

  • OjRaSo's Avatar
    i turned into the road of incoming vehicles after the red lights turned green. There were no vehicles on the road then. I realised it immediately and turned towards a side lane and returned back immediately.
    will I be getting penalty/ fine?
  • 5 Replies

  • Beelzebub's Avatar
    Why would you get a fine if the lights were green?

    If you mean the green lights turned red, then maybe.

    First, the lights don't turn from green to red. They change from green to amber, giving you three seconds to stop before they turn red.

    As for "will I be getting penalty/ fine", no-one here can tell you. If there was a camera, or a police officer saw you, then possibly. The outcome would depend on how long the lights had been red. It could be the offer of a course, a fixed penalty (£100 and 3 points), or a court appearance.
  • OjRaSo's Avatar
    @Beelzebub no mine was green but the lane I moved was red! There was no vehicle so I couldn’t appreciate it was an the wrong road.
  • TC1474's Avatar
    Why have you made the assumption that you did something wrong?

    If the light was on green, no offence.

    If the light was going through the amber phase to go to red (which is not what you suggest) then not necessarily any offence committed because you are allowed to continue through an amber light if it was likely that stopping would be more dangerous.

    Did you cause other traffic to alter course or speed? If no, then no worries there.

    Was it a filter lane and you got confused with the filter lane changing to green before the main lights? Again, if its on a filter, not an issue, although this is what catches most people out and makes them think they have gone through a red light because of the conflict between the green filter and the red showing on the same set of lights.

    So why you think you have done something wrong beats me.

    If there was a camera, and you have got it wrong, then all you can do is wait a couple of weeks and see if the dreaded brown envelope drops through your letter box, but if you know the junction, you can pre-empt that by going and seeing if there are any cameras (traffic flow cameras are also found at junctions and are blue, ATS cameras are either solver or yellow) and if the Police had been there, they would have been inclined to pull you over at the time and given you a ticket there and then (assuming you had done something wrong) as it saves a lot of additional paperwork.
  • OjRaSo's Avatar
    thank you for your reply
    yes, my light was green so I moved over.
    however the lane I moved into was for incoming traffic.( i was supposed to go the the lane further ahead of this lane). There was no oncoming vehicle so I managed to take a u turn through a service lane back to the direction I was comin from.
    I am worried because i entered into the oncoming vehicles lanes instead of my lane.
    it was very confusing junction
  • TC1474's Avatar
    thank you for your reply
    yes, my light was green so I moved over.
    however the lane I moved into was for incoming traffic.( i was supposed to go the the lane further ahead of this lane). There was no oncoming vehicle so I managed to take a u turn through a service lane back to the direction I was comin from.
    I am worried because i entered into the oncoming vehicles lanes instead of my lane.
    it was very confusing junction

    Mistakes happen.

    If there was no "No Entry" sign for the lane you turned into, again don't worry, just learn from your mistakes.

    We have all got things wrong from time to time (anyone who says they haven't is a liar), nobody was hurt or injured, just put it down to experience.