Stockley Park is in West Drayton. Seems some bright spark deemed the postal address to be in Uxbridge. Stockley Park is about four miles from Uxbridge.
As you enter Uxbridge, you are welcomed by signage: 'Welcome to Uxbridge: Home of Brunel University'. Brunel University is in Cowley.
Denham is in Buckinghamshire, yet the postal address is in Uxbridge.
Gamlingay is in Cambridgeshire, yet has a postal address of Sandy, Bedfordshire.
These are just a few examples of why I get stopped by lorry drivers asking for directions.
One of my satnavs uses Excel spreadsheets for POIs. I found a number of POI sites for lorry drivers and the most useful one so far has been Accident Blackspots. Some are obvious, others not so, but interesting to try to work out why.