Fixed Penalty Charge

  • Smyth's Avatar
    Good afternoon Mark, thank you for your welcome.
    i have received the above for parking on the left hand side of a single red line, just to clarify there is a red line on both sides of the narrow which leads to villages and the National Trust site which my wife and I were taking grandchildren to.
    I was parked on the left hand side of red line, not straddling line on muddy/ grass verge, no pavements, I was facing the same way as traffic flow.
    The NT car park was closed, why during half term not sure.
    Is this charge correct.
    if you or your team need any further information please email me.
    Normally I take photos when I park but did not this time.
    Thank you for your help.
    gerry smyth
  • 6 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Drivingforfun's Avatar
    Best Answer
    I don't know if it's relevant but I believe red/yellow lines even apply if you park to the left of them

    I once came across a car parked on a pavement, over a meter to the left of some double yellow lines. I jokingly said to the person I was with "I guess technically they haven't parked on double yellows" and we couldn't decide if it was allowed or not

    I looked it up and discovered the lines apply all the way to the boundary of the highway so include the verges and such, so basically it's probably you were still considered to have parked on the red line even though you were on away from it on the verge
  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi Gerry,

    Welcome again to the RAC Community.

    Just to confirm that all posts are visible to the public and in most cases your questions will be answered by one of our members.

    Members may ask for a little more context, but to help them visualise where you parked, perhaps you could share an image taken from Google Maps/street view?

    EDIT: As an example, here is the link to a street view of a National Trust car park (Osterley House)

    Last edited by Mark07; 06-11-24 at 14:35.
  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Drivingforfun Impressive knowledge!

    The RAC have more information about parking and yellow lines available here.
  • TC1474's Avatar
    To get straight to the point, the lines are valid from hedgerow to hedgerow regardless of what side of the line you park on and is relevant if its a yellow or red line.

    The only way you may be able to argue the point is as I pointed out in a previous pot is to obtain a copy of the traffic order and ascertain all the lengths, start and finish points and measurements and then make sure all signage complies with the traffic order.

    For red lines they are usually pretty accurate, its yellow lines that are usually the weak link.

    So you can argue the point, but I regret to tell you, you will loose as the law is quite specific.

    Last edited by TC1474; 06-11-24 at 18:45.
  • Beelzebub's Avatar
    Good afternoon Mark, thank you for your welcome.
    i have received the above for parking on the left hand side of a single red line,
    Are you sure?
    Red lines forbid stopping, not parking.
    Obviously still guilty!
  • TC1474's Avatar
    @Beelzebub Both are prohibited but the FPN or summonses usually refer to parking as a generic offence