Renault Captur Ionic 1.3: Strange gearing issues.

  • Diana21's Avatar
    Hello and good morning to the forum and my first post.

    I have an issue with my Renault Captur Ionic 1.3 that is on a 21 plate. The car is fully service with only 40,000miles on the odometer. It drives perfectly and for all intent and purposes it changes gear smoothly without any issue noise or slippage.

    After driving if I come to a junction or a traffic light and then go into neutral, the gear stick does not want to move left when I try engage first. Its like it moves across only so far to the left and hits a wall.

    If before I try to engage first from a standstill in neutral, I move the stick slightly to the right then back to the left it engages into first gear no problem at all.

    Is this a selecter issue or maybe just a glitch with this type of Renault box. Thank you in advance.
  • 2 Replies

  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi Diana21,

    Welcome to the Community.

    I'm not a mechanic, but after a little googling I'd recommend taking it to a garage for a proper inspection. From my layman view, it seems unlikely that the issue will improve without professional support.

    Hopefully one of our members will be able to offer a little more advice.
  • olduser's Avatar
    The symptoms you describe suggest the linkage from gear stick to gearbox is the trouble.
    It's worth a look.

    I am assuming it's a manual gearbox.

    I think, this car is also available with an automatic gearbox which is basically a manual gearbox automated. This type needs regular oil and filter changes (all auto boxes do but are not often given them) otherwise the automation fails and this can be expensive to repair or replace.