The flat battery, what to do depends on it's age, if it is more than say 4 years old then it is probably no longer reliable but it may still recover so shall we say less than for years old and it should recharge and be reliable. 4 years or more , if you want peace of mind replace it but it's still worth a gamble if you are happy with the risk that it is likely to do the same again.
The next question is why did the battery run flat?
Is there a drain on the battery with the car parked, check current drain from battery with everything turned off?
Is the charging system not working in some way, with the engine running I would expect to see about 14 to 15 volts across the battery?
Lower than that and the alternator is not working or there is a wiring problem , engine connection to car body or battery connection to the car body are the most common problem in my (limited) experience.
I would think the the flashing odometer is trying to tell you the electronics in the car are unable to function because the voltage is far too low.
What is being described is to disconnect the battery, discharge any residual power left in the system to clear the memory, then reconnect the battery.