I don't really know how to comment on the wider subject but, just when it comes to pressure, I personally think "peer pressure" is a lame excuse for making a conscious decision that you know is wrong or unhealthy, whether driving-related or anything else like smoking. People experience peer pressure all throughout their lives and I don't think it's viable to remove all possible exposure to it
I'm not arguing for anarchy or anything, if restricting everyone because of a few idiots saves some lives it may well be worth doing so! I just wonder if there's a better solution to creating lots and lots of specific restrictive laws, like teaching people to be resilient to peer pressure, which will serve them for their entire life??
I agree, looking at the problem in that way teaching people to resist peer pressure would be a logical way to solve the problem but herein lies a whole new can of worms.
I would say that advertising would be almost useless if we were all impervious to peer pressure.
Should we make new drivers have to pass a physiological test to see if they are going to be safe
How often do we see on forums like this, "congratulations on passing your test, now you can start to learn to drive". (or something similar)
New drivers are vulnerable, they have been driving with another brain looking out for them, suddenly they are on there own.
As a learner, they were getting a little (these days very little) protection from the L plate, once that comes off, you are fair game for all other road users.
I think most people in their late teens are desperate to please someone. (at any age we would rather be liked than disliked)
As we get older and more experienced we learn we cannot please everyone, and there are limits (legal and moral) as to how far we are prepared to go to gain brownie points.
So, I think, rather than finding a way through that can of worms, it is easier to consider restrictions on new drivers for everyone's safety.
But, and it is a big but, that is only my opinion.