How often do you wash your car?

  • Mark07's Avatar
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    My neighbour takes great pride in his car and washes it at least twice a week… even in the rain.

    I’m envious of his commitment, but I tend to take a different approach. I’m sorry to say that my car can go a few months without being cleaned and the inside likely gets a valet twice a year.

    I sense that I need to up my game but, how often should we wash our cars?


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  • 4 Replies

  • Drivingforfun's Avatar
    I tend to do the inside quite regularly because it's obviously where I am so I want it to be nice, I'm less fussy about the outside. Maybe once every 6 weeks!!

    If time is a factor I'm guessing washing more often but less thoroughly is better but might be wrong? So a quick once over with a sponge every week as opposed to thoroughly "detailing" it once a month ... might be a reason that's wrong though
  • Beelzebub's Avatar
    I'm with Mark. Mine gets washed every few months, usually by a machine. I've had my current car seven months - it's been washed once, and it now needs doing again. Probably not this week with the weather, and indeed the rain may help!

    I haven't washed one myself for years.
  • olduser's Avatar
    I think it used be in the Vauxhall hand book, something about a cleaned car drove better, and lasted longer.

    Mini's got washed when dirty, it was the easiest way of checking for rust on the inside-out seams.

    I once had a new Mini treated with Waxoyl preservative. (not sure it is still available but a treatment involved drilling holes in all the hollow section and then inserting a mini spray nozzle and coating the inside)
    The car was coated everywhere with a soft wax carried in a solvent, the idea was it would penetrate into all the nooks and crannies. (my spelling checker insists it should be grannies!)

    Anyway, when I collected the car, the guy said, there's good news and bad news, good news is it's finished.
    Oh god, big breath, what's the bad?
    Don't wash it for a month!
    OK, breath out...
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    To be honest. I only wash mine when they 'look' grubby. I have owned a number of different colour cars, and some look grubby within days of their last wash. So, every week, or every three months or so.
    As to the interiors, I smoke, so whenever I miss the ashtray my wife is out there with the hoover etc.