Best Answer
Oh right....
So whether you get offered a driver awareness course will depend on the policy in place in your area. Usually it depends on how far over the limit you were (it varies from force to force) whether you have any previous points on your licence or more specifically how many points, and whether the offence you are alleged to have committed is deemed suitable.
Once you have returned the paperwork identifying the driver, you will be notified as to what penalty you are likely to receive and there are 3 options
1. Driver awareness course
2. A fixed penalty and 3 points
3. Summonsed to appear before the court as a bigger penalty or even disqualification is being considered.
You cannot ask for a course as an option, you can only accept a course if it is offered.
If you are offered a fixed penalty, your licence will be endorsed and you will be required to pay the fine to the central ticket office (address will be on the paperwork), you pay the fine and it is done with, although you will have to declare the offence when your insurance comes up for renewal.
If you are summonsed, you will be told which court and the date and you can either attend in person plead guilty (or not guilty if you think you did not commit the offence) and give your mitigating reasons in person.
In some cases you may be allowed to plead guilty by letter and then you will be informed of the penalty.
If it is a course or fixed penalty it will be dealt with quite quickly, if it goes to court, then it can take several months, but information must be laid before the court (that is jargon for the court must be told) within 6 months of the date of the alleged offence for a prosecution to remain valid.
Hope that helps.