When you get older

  • Drivingforfun's Avatar
    I went out for a meal with my parents on Friday, my Dad ate some snacks before going, then only had one course at the restaurant and struggled finishing that

    My Mum asked why he ate before going and he pointed out that he was saving money. I said it's like a mature version of when teenagers pre-drink before going to a night club, to get half drunk and not have to buy as many shots for £5 each

    I wondered if anyone had any good examples of things that happen when you get older

    Another one that occurred to me before is when you're young or middle aged you "fall over", but when you reach a certain age you "have a fall"
  • 8 Replies

  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    I know it's a cliche, but as I'm getting older, I can't be bothered with unnecessarily loud places to eat or drink.
  • TC1474's Avatar
    In my youth 9pm was the time of day we used to think about going out on the town.

    These days, 9pm is when I am thinking about going to bed.
  • Mark07's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Also, spontaneity seems to have abandoned me, something that my partner can attest to. I don't see this as a negative, but rather a natural development of life.

    Am I wrong?
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    I would think nothing of lifting engines and motorcycles weighing up to 300lbs. Now lifting a bag of sugar or full kettle of water can put me in bed for a week.
    Aside to this, I used to belong to a few Forums (mainly military) involving my hobbies or working life. I have given up on all of them now as the largest threads are the obituaries. Too depressing.
    Last edited by Rolebama; 03-09-24 at 12:13.
  • TC1474's Avatar
    II used to belong to a few Forums (mainly military) involving my hobbies or working life. I have given up on all of them now as the largest threads are the obituaries. Too depressing.

    I agree with you on that score.

    When I first retired I would attend the occasional funeral of a former colleague and being traffic we were a very tight knit group and there maybe 40 or so of us in attendance.

    Now, that 40 or so has whittled its way down to about 10 of us still alive, and what's depressing is that we all look at one another wondering whose turn it will be next to depart this mortal coil.

    Through my membership of NARPO (National Association of Retired Police Officers) I also get notifications of bereavements to former colleagues.

    The number of times I have seen a name pop up and I am surprised and saddened to hear of their passing, but I fail to take into account that it may be 40 or 50 years since I last saw them and they are now an 80 or 90 something old, they were in their 30's or 40's and I was still in my 20's or 30's and now I am in my mid 60's.

    Time doesn't stand still neither does our aging process.
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    Where they once leaned to the right, they now lean to the left.
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  • olduser's Avatar
    What I find difficult about old age is our brain still thinks we are young.
    Sitting in the chair or laying bed we think, this needs doing or doing that might be interesting, and it will only take x mins.

    Forgetting, if I bend over I fall over, if I look up at the sky I fall, if I try to spanner a nut that's out of sight there's no chance, screwdrivers will not engage with screws, even my fingers on the computer keyboard hit a neighbouring key, so the x mins becomes x hrs.

    OK try the TV news, Israel is killing Arab's, and there are wars all over, that's not news we have seen it all before.
    Politicians are taking, 'gifts' shock horror, they always have and they always will, and they try to say, "you can have a free meal" but experience tells us, 'there is no such thing as a free meal'.

    OK, try eating but nothing taste right anymore, some of which is just the ageing process but some is cheap food, if the new food tastes crap just bung some salt in that will sell.
    Even Chocolate has salt in these days, salt makes Chocolate taste stronger, add salt takeout Cocoa solids, that's progress.
    Right you can't go wrong with a bacon sandwich, can you?
    But the Bacon is cured by injecting a salt solution + other additives, now the solution is cheaper then Bacon, so pump it in boys, the same goes for Chicken, Turkey, Pork, and Beef from the deli.
    The people that should be testing food to control this are or were employed by the council but the council can't afford them, so no testing.
    And anyway, the supermarkets say, if this was controlled it would increase the price of food, so best to let them carry on, we have all been eating crap for so long we can't tell the difference.
    But excess salt is a killer, a slow long lingering death due high blood pressure, never mind we have the NHS.
    But isn't the NHS overloaded?
    True but people will not look after themselves, and they keep getting old, and having high blood pressure, if only they would look after themselves, and eat good healthy food.

    Oh dear that turned into a right rant, sorry I blame having an active brain.