Waiting after the stop line due to car turning right not positioning well

  • jayk's Avatar
    Hi everyone,

    Hope your well.

    I was third in the queue at a Traffic Light Controlled Crossroads, planning to go straight ahead. The first two cars were turning right, when green lights shows, the first car move to the middle but the second car did not position well to the middle causing me to be stuck behind and cannot continue to go straight. I was beyond the stop line waiting,and then the light goes red, and the first two cars turns right and I've decided to drive straight ahead as I was already beyond the stop line and was obstructing the pedestrian crossing. Can I be issued a violation for this? Hoping to hear your ideas. Thank you

  • 4 Replies

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    TC1474's Avatar
    Best Answer
    Hi everyone,

    Hope your well.

    I was third in the queue at a Traffic Light Controlled Crossroads, planning to go straight ahead. The first two cars were turning right, when green lights shows, the first car move to the middle but the second car did not position well to the middle causing me to be stuck behind and cannot continue to go straight. I was beyond the stop line waiting,and then the light goes red, and the first two cars turns right and I've decided to drive straight ahead as I was already beyond the stop line and was obstructing the pedestrian crossing. Can I be issued a violation for this? Hoping to hear your ideas. Thank you


    Short answer is Yes, you could be prosecuted for failing to comply with an obligatory traffic signal.

    Even though you may feel you have mitigating circumstances, the courts take the view that you should not have crossed the line until such time as you were sure that you could move forward legally and safely, and the position of the vehicles should have raided that question mark.

    Unless the junction was covered by a camera, I would not lose any sleep over it, but just something to be aware of, namely if you cross over the white line at any time whilst the traffic light is on red, the offence is complete.
  • jayk's Avatar
    Short answer is Yes, you could be prosecuted for failing to comply with an obligatory traffic signal.

    Even though you may feel you have mitigating circumstances, the courts take the view that you should not have crossed the line until such time as you were sure that you could move forward legally and safely, and the position of the vehicles should have raided that question mark.

    Unless the junction was covered by a camera, I would not lose any sleep over it, but just something to be aware of, namely if you cross over the white line at any time whilst the traffic light is on red, the offence is complete.

    Appreciate that.

    Just a random idea though, would this case not be the same principle as to cars turning right who has gone beyond the stop line already and if light changes to red, they are allowed to proceed to turn right as red light doesnt apply to them as they’ve already pass the stop line when the light changes to red. Same scenario though but was going straight ahead,where waiting for the car infront of me to adjust his position,but I was already crossed the stop line before the light goes red. Will the red light still applies even though I was already beyond the stop line? Was also avoiding obstruction to pedestrians and cars,thats why decided to proceed. Thanks in advance for your inputs. Cheers
  • Beelzebub's Avatar
    OP, if the whole of your car had cleared the stop line when the lights turned read, you're in the clear.

    If any part crossed the line on red, an offence was committed.

    NB in this country you aren't "issued a violation" - you're charged with a criminal offence. Too many US cop shows?
  • Santa's Avatar
    As always, it's in the Highway Code.

    Rule 176

    You MUST NOT move forward over the white line when the red light is showing. Only go forward when the traffic lights are green if there is room for you to clear the junction safely or you are taking up a position to turn right.