im wondering if anyone could give me an insight what to do as I was pulled over and had my car seized on the grounds of it showing no insurance on their ANPR Scanner.
i have since collected my car but the situation goes as follows:
I had received new private number plates as a gift and obviously installed them on my car after registering them on the dvsa website.
after I had registered the plate to my car I was presented with a free screen that stated “this plate can now be put on this vehicle” being a new driver I thought “result!” and wasn’t informed on anything further as I though this government/ dvsa is all I have to do.
not even a day later I was pulled over on the grounds of no insurance and had my car seized without a chance to really prove any type of innocence. Not even a producer at the station.
im stuck now in an endless cycle of my insurance telling me if I was to make a claim during that time of when I was “supposedly uninsured” they would have covered n’ paid out and the police not accepting the word and emails from my insurers to confirm this.
what do I do !?