For a few years there had been a full scale trucking operation about 500 yards from my house. And when I say operation there about 18 trucks and trailers leaving at 4AM and returning at about 11PM.
Problem was it's being operated out of a private house and our whole area is zoned for residential and agricultural use only.
I filed a complaint and asked the County Commission to close them down as they were in violation of zoning ordinances.
They didn't like the idea because most of the County Commissioners are farmers and ranchers and this trucking company hauls agricultural products, so they were looking the other way despite the conflict of interest.
The trucking company then applied for a special use permit which in very special circumstances allows certain other uses, but trucking companies were not one of those uses, and I pointed this out at the public hearing. Undeterred the Commissioners had the special use permits altered to exempt trucking companies, and when the owner applied for a special use permit I was at the public hearing where the Commissioners all had very smug looks on their faces as I stood up to talk.
The smugness evaporated when I asked where was the EPA stormwater discharge permit.
To explain. Since 2019 any proposed industrial operation, and it includes trucking companies, are required to have the site inspected to ensure that no pollution can get washed into the aquifer which supplies our water. Concrete parking pads, oil/water separators and test wells are part of the requirements.
A lot of blank looks and referring to Federal law, which the Commissioners couldn't change, and they told the applicant he needed to get the EPA permit. When he applied and the EPA found it was a private residence they said "hell no, move your trucks off your property and we'll be checking to see if there's any pollution"
Happy me, trucks gone and County Commissions get very concerned when I turn up for meetings 😁