New V5C

  • Nansen's Avatar
    Hi folks, long story short . . . .

    The registered keeper allowed the tax to lapse on my car albeit not entirely his fault. However, it got clamped, I paid to release it and took the vehicle back off him.

    Ordinarily I think it's the outgoing keeper who notifies DVLA but he quickly moved away, whereabouts unknown.

    As owner, I have now applied for a new V5C reverting the keeper back to myself c/w notes explaining the background.

    They've had it 10 days so wouldn't arrive just yet and confirmed by phone it's logged and in the system.

    Hopefully this will be a formality but can anyone see any potential issues?

    Thank you!
  • 1 Reply

  • Santa's Avatar
    It's a fairly common situation. However, they may well want you to pay for the time spent untaxed. £80 reduced to £40 if paid within 33 days. Or an out-of-court settlement (OCS) letter issued set at £30 plus one and a half times the outstanding vehicle tax.