we had commercial vehicle insurance and was involved in a no fault accident (at a stand still a vehicle went into the back of us, causing us to go into the back of the vehicle infront) took all the necessary steps and informed insurance policy to now have it cancelled!
basicially on our IPID and all documents it clearly states - commercial vehicle plus usage we stated 8000 business miles which clearly shows.
however it also states social domestic and insurance (not only on the insurance product information document)
I have argued the fact that all the terms and conditions and documents sent to us was for commercial vehicle van insurance and we stated 8000 business miles! So how are we not covered for business use? Surely a van insurance for social domestic and pleasure only should have been just private van insurance. So I feel we had no reason to believe we had been fraudulent and Miss informed them of the type of cover we requested?
Or am I being really Nieve in the big insurance world and stand no chance in fighting this?