the rac guy i think just pocketed the money and i am getting no help from rac, just passed thro to someone else, i am raging with it all
so i broke down on 22nd october, the rac fixed my car and it still doesnt run,
Whats the script with rac fixing your car, i paid for a repair on october 25th ,, after a breakdown and the car is still 220miles away with no sign of help. this is the worst service i have ever used and i have been told to report it to the police and submitted a complaint today , yet i have been told 8 weeks to reply, in my life i will never use the rac again ever,
the rac guy i think just pocketed the money and i am getting no help from rac, just passed thro to someone else, i am raging with it all -
1 Reply
Welcome to the community and thanks for posting. 👍
As community manager I don't have access to customer accounts. Neither do other community forum members of course.
Here is a link to the RAC contact page which has all the different teams' contact details.
I hope your situation gets sorted soon.Welcome to the RAC Community! Start here 😀
You can say hi and introduce yourself too 👋
What should you do after a collision? 🤔
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