Trouble is I am stuck for ideas. Within reason, I buy things I want (which is not much!). Anything that is too much to just get (have my eye on a new Mac and a Tudor watch), I am saving for, and would not expect someone to buy for me.
I don't know what the budget is but would say a few hundred pounds, £4-500 absolute max.
Someone suggested a wallet, but what’s wrong with my £30 wallet? It’s a perfect wallet for me, from the Poppy Shop / British Legion, a cause I very much support, honestly I would rather give a couple of hundred to the charity and keep using mine than have a branded piece from Louis Vuitton or some such.
An idea I had was a decanter…however I would intend to use it not just display it on a shelf. I am incredibly clumsy and am concerned I would break it.
Had the idea of a driving experience but I think I'd prefer something I could keep forever.
I don't like to sound ungrateful but am completely stumped. Wondering what do/did others ask for in this situation? 😃