Joined the forum as I need others opinions. I'm 17 and learning to drive and have been for a few months now. I live in a very rural area - there is one driving instructor and to get anywhere you have to drive a long distance, so I've had around 50+ hours of private practice now. I'm a really quick learner and no longer need any cues or direction at all, only a bit of help on roundabouts when I go to town once a week to practice there. And I need to learn how to reserve bay park - there's no where where I live that I can practice so need to remember to do it next time I'm in town!
There is one problem though. I've had 2 professional lessons. The instructor is great, and if I could, I would go every week. However, I have really bad anxiety surrounding the area in which I have to go (almost an hour away) to attend my driving lesson. I have no anxiety with driving in itself at all, just getting to this place! I just can't bring myself to do it, and it's obviously slowing me down a bit... but then again, is it? I've passed my theory now - and as I said before, I don't require any direction or cues when practicing privately, and I'm confident. I'm getting to a point of frustration now, where I had this expectation that I would have my license by now, and I've been counting down the days until I get it from age 5! I've always been so isolated and even more so in the past couple years as my mum passed away and I've managed to get a boyfriend that lives over an hour away so it's going to be completely life changing for me, I'm quite lonely - I can barely even get a job because I'm so rural! Of course, I am worried that I'm stupid suggesting this, but is it worth booking a test, and seeing what happens? I just need a realistic, honest answer. :)