Test ready?

  • dcal06's Avatar

    Joined the forum as I need others opinions. I'm 17 and learning to drive and have been for a few months now. I live in a very rural area - there is one driving instructor and to get anywhere you have to drive a long distance, so I've had around 50+ hours of private practice now. I'm a really quick learner and no longer need any cues or direction at all, only a bit of help on roundabouts when I go to town once a week to practice there. And I need to learn how to reserve bay park - there's no where where I live that I can practice so need to remember to do it next time I'm in town!

    There is one problem though. I've had 2 professional lessons. The instructor is great, and if I could, I would go every week. However, I have really bad anxiety surrounding the area in which I have to go (almost an hour away) to attend my driving lesson. I have no anxiety with driving in itself at all, just getting to this place! I just can't bring myself to do it, and it's obviously slowing me down a bit... but then again, is it? I've passed my theory now - and as I said before, I don't require any direction or cues when practicing privately, and I'm confident. I'm getting to a point of frustration now, where I had this expectation that I would have my license by now, and I've been counting down the days until I get it from age 5! I've always been so isolated and even more so in the past couple years as my mum passed away and I've managed to get a boyfriend that lives over an hour away so it's going to be completely life changing for me, I'm quite lonely - I can barely even get a job because I'm so rural! Of course, I am worried that I'm stupid suggesting this, but is it worth booking a test, and seeing what happens? I just need a realistic, honest answer. :)
  • 4 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Beelzebub's Avatar
    Best Answer
    @dcal06There's nothing to be lost by booking a test. It will probably be several months away, and in any case you can always cancel or reschedule at no cost.
    But you do need more lessons, to make sure you're doing things right, and also to confirm you're 'test ready'. Your instructor should be happy to do a mock test when he believes you're ready.
  • Santa's Avatar
    I agree. I also believe that there is some advantage to taking the test in a driving school car as that gives the examiner a tiny bit more confidence that you are well trained.
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    It is also worth havivg a word with your GP as some will prescribe you a mild relaxant for your test.
  • Drivingforfun's Avatar
    Though (in my area, anyway) the waiting list to see a GP is almost as long as the waiting list for a driving test!