Parking Ticket

  • nivekderf's Avatar
    My local authority has issued me with a parking ticket for being parked in a road outside a certain building numbered 557. It was legally parked outside number 577 a good 300 yards or more away, which I'm able to prove by photographs. I have explained to them that the ticket has been wrongly issued; the error being the wrong street address on the ticket, but they ignore what I tell them and insist the ticket has been correctly issued. Can I contest the legality of the ticket on the grounds that the wrong address is shown?
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  • Quilgy's Avatar
    You can always contest a parking ticket by getting in touch with the parking office of your council. But you have to do it in writing, they won't accept a verbal appeal.

    I used to work for a Council and despite what you think, most of the guys in parking are a lovely bunch and aren't out to get people. They will most likely accept an appeal given reasonable evidence.

    Just don't get agressive or argumentative as that will hurt your case. Be cool and present a facts based case to them in your appeal.