I know his exact movements, when he leaves when he comes home and can even hear him at the back of my house which is long and thin and a good 40/50 m from his bike and still it intrudes.
The noise is enough to wake me every day. I work shifts so really need to sleep. It is noisy when Idling and warming up and worse when he revs off down the road like a young boy racer.
Im not anti bike. I have a friend who is a motorbike courier who drives a large bike. When he visits me I never hear him leave or go, he has said the exhaust on my neighbours bike is ridiculously large and a right old 'willy wiaggler'
I have approached my neighbour about putting a silencer on but his opinion is that if he's awake everyone should be (he doesnt seem to understand not everyone does the same job or even likes a lie in on a saturday) its driving me mad. The council will do nothing about it. Is there a legal decibel limit for bikes? im losing the will to live.
Last edited by Mark07; 04-04-24 at 11:06.