It ran alright for a couple of weeks and then, started to stall at roundabouts. My code reader couldn’t connect with the diagnostics so into a garage it went. It said egr valve faulty, id had it out at service and cleaned it and tdc sensor and an injector playing up on number 2 pot. It had a lumpy idle somewhat and I put it down to the injector. I replaced the egr valve with a new one and a new tdc sensor and a dose of injector cleaner.
It all sound like it was clogged up. Advised it needed a good run and duely did a trip to London and back. Sadly at 70mph it stalled on the motorway, frightened my girlfriend somewhat. It started straight away and ran fine with no more problems. She kept to inside lane and kept her speed down .
It arrived on my door step and I find after messing about with it that it won’t rev about 3000 rpm. It cuts out instantly. It’s consistent at doing that, 3000 rpm and its cuts straight away. A friend of mine works for jaguar since man and boy and he tells me that since the intro of bio diesel forming a percentage of normal diesel these days, it creates a sooty deposit in the fuel tank which ultimately clogs fuel filter. When cars demands more fuel during motorway driving the clogged filter can’t cope with the increased demand for fuel and many cars go into limp mode. It’s becoming an all too common problem. Sorry that’s just a side note but worthy of a mention, filters are a must.
I replaced the filter but sadly it made no difference at all. Same fault. Obviously something makes it shut down at 3000 rpm. My mates cheap code reader could read Renault codes and when we connected his machine no codes showed at all. I was very surprised and stumped because I'm not sure where to look next. It drives fine until you get to those revs and the then engine dies.
I have come across this similar problem on other Renault forums but the threads don’t get to a conclusion.
Thinking caps on guys, I know someone out there has a cure or some advice.