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  • Jobs you have put off?
    ​​​​​​​Haha, this is exactly me. I'm waiting for the weather to warm up a bit - I hate washing my car in winter! see more
  • Engine power and efficiency loss over time
    There is no real figure for loss of efficiency. It varies from car to car even the same model. It really depends on how well the engine is... see more
  • Stuff you did as a new driver
    The main thing I remember in the early stages after passing my test was planning my routes so that I didn't have to turn right at roundabouts - it... see more
  • Right to reject
    Hi @Kala - welcome to the RAC Community and thanks for making your first post. I went through something similar a few years ago (pre-covid) - for... see more
  • Stuff you did as a new driver
    I took my test in my |Mother's Renault 16 complete with column gearchange. Whilst on test she went shopping and after half an hour of waiting for... see more
  • Jobs you have put off?
    Washing it 😑 see more
  • Engine power and efficiency loss over time
    I know it's based on lots of things, but is there a rough gauge of what amount (percentage or number) of power & efficiency a typical engine loses... see more
  • Stuff you did as a new driver
    Do you remember your first drive after passing your test, or something quite soon after passing? I remember getting out of the town onto the open... see more
  • Petrol in a diesel car.
    I'm happy to be corrected, but I actually think putting diesel into a petrol is worse - and also for the most part impossible as the diesel pump is... see more
  • Petrol in a diesel car.
    Hi @Gorgo78 , welcome to the RAC Community and thanks for making your first post. Whilst I'm not sure of an answer for your question I would suspect... see more
  • Petrol in a diesel car.
    Good afternoon all, I have recently had a breakdown and recovery with the RAC (great service) after we had purchased a 2010 VW Tiguan 2.0 tdi and it... see more
  • Can We Recommend Products?
    The currency thing sounds interesting, Olduser. In lots of ways currencies only have value because people give them value, I sometimes think it was... see more
  • Looks OK to me!
    The painted lines are not saying anything of the kind. The two white lines have entirely different meanings. A single broken line means "give way"... see more
  • 60% of drivers don't understand insurance excesses
    I like your first sentence.😀 But have you tried to claim excess (Uninsured loss?), the body shop's usually have to recover the excess before they... see more
  • Pass Plus - What is it and is it worth it?
    ​​​​​​​I suppose a few more dead reduces the future pension costs! see more
  • 164 mph?
    Here in the UK owners of mostly German and subsidiaries cars and vans, I think French models as well could claim money back due their fiddling the... see more
  • Looks OK to me!
    I don't know what the designers had in mind but as I see it, it can be driven as a junction or a roundabout because the painted lines are saying... see more
  • 164 mph?
    When performing the emissions tests back in Vegas I would use the bar code reader to get the VIN number from the label on the door jamb, and a quick... see more
  • Who needs the rear windscreen anyway - meet the Polestar 4!
    It seems to be full of useless, expensive and possibly prone to breakage gimmicks. https://www.polestar.com/us/polestar-4/ Anyway, here in the US... see more
  • What's in your glovebox?
    I carry a gun to protect me and the wife from such things, for example; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhW0BtEyH5M And not a shot was fired. see more
  • Looks OK to me!
    Exactly the point we have all been making. I am really looking forward to going to trial in an injury case and the local authority being held... see more
  • Pass Plus - What is it and is it worth it?
    Pass plus pretends to be an intermediate advanced qualification, but the reality is that it is just an extension of the standard required to pass... see more
  • Pass Plus - What is it and is it worth it?
    Interesting perception. It sounds a bit like something I heard about the ideal biker - they said there's 2 ways of reacting to nearly coming off the... see more
  • 60% of drivers don't understand insurance excesses
    In my defence I did know about all the terms, but as a new driver with a car worth very little I simply wanted the cheapest product that'd get me... see more
  • Looks OK to me!
    Far from a silly question. Streetview shows advance signs on the old layout, they may still be there. Whatever, there are none of the other... see more
  • Looks OK to me!
    This may seem a silly question - but, what roundabout? I can't see one on that picture, let alone two!? Just a fantasy, possibly CGI of what a... see more
  • 60% of drivers don't understand insurance excesses
    It is my experience that insurers don't understand it either. I have received countless letters, phone calls and emails because I put a voluntary... see more
  • Pass Plus - What is it and is it worth it?
    Was it Spain or Italy that had a roof colour requirement with regards to when you were allowed on the road? I seem to remember they were talking... see more
  • Flying Cars: is the future of motoring closer than we think?
    @olduser The point you make about pre-flight checks is very valid. I have honestly lost count of the breakdowns I have attended because of not... see more
  • Can We Recommend Products?
    I found this an eye opener - The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton. The theme is, countries that own a currency e.g. UK, USA, Japan, Australia... see more