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  • Pop-ups!
    I used to use Startpage but they discontinued the uBlacklist add-on so I switched to DuckDuckGo where it still works. see more
  • Pop-ups!
    I use DuckDuckGo browser it doe's quite well at blocking stuff. see more
  • Take part in my research about congestion pricing!
    The questions; The congestion questions only offered one solution, which I happen to think is the wrong solution anyway. The best solution I have... see more
  • Take part in my research about congestion pricing!
    What concerns me about SUV's is the people that buy them because they are safer, because of this many drivers of them take more risks. Of course, I... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    @jamauk Forget about hard or harsh acceleration. That is not good driving. Accelerate smoothly and at a pace you feel comfortable at... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    Thank you for your advice @TC1474, that makes a lot of sense to read an it breaks it down into a lot more understandable categories. That does... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    On test, whether you exceed the limit by 1 or 2 mph is subjective and down to individual examiners and varies from area to area, test centre to test... see more
  • Car Park Scramble
    You enter into a contract. The car park will allow you to trespass onto their property so you can park your car, and the contract says that you pay... see more
  • Sentencing for driving under the influence of nitrous oxide
    I'm 100% against anyone driving under the influence of any drug, alcohol, marijuana, coke etc, but this nonsense of just banning them from driving is... see more
  • Are headlights getting brighter?
    Coming home from work one night a driver coming towards me had his lights on main beam, or brights as they say here. A quick high beam flash from me,... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    Another question I have thought of, it relates to my second point about. The acceleration matter, if you go over the speed limit by 1-2 mph would... see more
  • Impact of engine speed while not accelerating
    I wonder if they will ever develop a gearbox that will do that automatically? Couldn't resist😁 see more
  • Pop-ups!
    Firefox has some of the best adblockers, but to block 99% of not just ads but also spyware and trackers check out the Raspberry Pi Hole. Best... see more
  • Bad driving instructor
    I'm just starting lessons with a different instructor, however it has given me a lot of uncertainty and thoughts, possibly after the instructor that... see more
  • Take part in my research about congestion pricing!
    In some discussions about congestion, the prevalence of "Chelsea Tractors" is sometimes cited as a factor, because of their size. Although their... see more
  • Take part in my research about congestion pricing!
    Exactly. If you look back even further, in the 1930s deaths were running about 7,000 a year with only about 1 million cars on the road. (Figures... see more
  • Take part in my research about congestion pricing!
    It's an interesting one to consider @Rolebama, for sure - whilst they seem terrifyingly high to us today, the reduction over the years is quite... see more
  • Take part in my research about congestion pricing!
    Thanks Nick. I now have no doubt those figures are true but - how? Has the standard of driving really dropped that much, or does it merely reflect,... see more
  • Impact of engine speed while not accelerating
    Under ideal conditions any wearing surfaces have a finite life, industrial bearing manufactures usually express the anticipated life of bearings in... see more
  • Car Park Scramble
    Car parks are collecting money and giving nothing back in return. They are not responsible for vehicles in the carpark, if they cannot be bothered... see more