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  • Near Miss
    Only boring stuff like summiting a hill and coming across a poorly judged overtake The most heart-in-mouth car-related one is as a child, I had a... see more
  • Help with query
    Basically, my gf just passed her driving test, she crashed the next day, she exchanged details and offered to pay repairs, the TP wouldn't wait... see more
  • Hinged, disputed
    It will be interesting to see the outcome. The interpretation of the law by TC1474 looks perfectly logical to me, the fault is with the parked... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    If safety was a real concern they would have activated the speed limiters that have been installed in cars for years now. As for revenue earners,... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    I think I would be very nervous, I would have contacted the insurers to get in writing that I was not going to have to pay for the hire, and why is... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    The MiB simply become the defendants in cases of untraced or no insurance cases and are treated in exactly the am e way as if liability was being... see more
  • Does ambient temperature affect engines?
    Ambient temperature has another effect, it changes the density of the air. Density is weight/unit volume warmer air is less dense colder air is... see more
  • Near Miss
    Thankfully, I haven't had too many incidents that spring to mind, however here is one of my own making which is worth sharing. Approx 4-5 years... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    Yes I agree, a NIP in the post is almost a status symbol, whereas the chat with the cop on the roadside is effective, even if it is no more than a... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    The frightening thing about that is, most of the time they don't know they are risking someone else's life or well-being. This may be due being too... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    On the one hand I suppose that is why humans are the most dominant animal on earth, we break the rules. Or another way of saying almost the same... see more
  • Facts
    Came across this:... see more
  • Roadwork nightmares
    Or when they impose a 30mph limit on the M25 through the variable speed limit because it is thought there might be a storm!? see more
  • Not wanted here.
    These cameras are just another form of control coupled with revenue earners. If they were serious about safety, they would be using the revenue to... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    From what you say I wonder if the MIB are involved? My daughter's accident a few years ago involved them and they paid out an amazing amount. We... see more
  • Pranks
    That's wicked! Total found to date = 73. see more
  • Approaching middle age 😱
    @NMNeil Probably not a consideration in the US, but something that might separate millennials (& older) from younger generations, is actually... see more
  • Approaching middle age 😱
    Another zero. But how about adding 'Got up to change the TV channel.' to the list. see more
  • Not wanted here.
    The problem is that some drivers are happy to put the lives of others at risk, not just their own. see more
  • Roadwork nightmares
    It's when you have traffic cones reducing the road from two to one lane, and there's no sign of anything being done to the road. Worst of all is when... see more
  • Pranks
    @Rolebama if it were me, I’d have hidden 89 and told you there were 90 😂 see more
  • Approaching middle age 😱
    I scored Zero 😊 see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    That all sounds very fishy. When (if?) the at-fault party pays up, they can challenge the hire costs. The victim (storyteller?) has a duty to... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    I’m just putting this up for interest’s sake really, and welcome any comments. I don’t really have any specific questions, although constructive... see more
  • Approaching middle age 😱
    Ha ha I remember thinking I was a genius, why pay for a song when I could record it on the radio I scored 2 points, for vinyl record and, funnily... see more
  • Approaching middle age 😱
    I scored 1 (Boombox). see more