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  • Help with query
    Many insurance companies will look at all sorts of ways to void a policy, but I am surprised either way that the policy does not include commuting to... see more
  • False Claim from via County Court Letter
    What has/is happening is common place. Believe me you are not alone in this soet of thing happening, I have seen it many times over the years. ... see more
  • False Claim from via County Court Letter
    @Windermere123 Don't stress! You were insured, they will deal with it. You won't have to pay, or go to jail! Quick answers: 1. This is... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    I've just looked at the linked BBC story again. It now says: ​​​​​​​ "Update 15 January 2025: A previous version of this story incorrectly said... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    NMNeill: I agree with you entirely. The problem comes if they begin to lose that income then they tax something else, or increase a current tax, that... see more
  • False Claim from via County Court Letter
    Hello, I am hoping someone is able to offer some advice for an extremely stressful situation that I have found myself in. This issue is happening in... see more
  • Near Miss
    Only boring stuff like summiting a hill and coming across a poorly judged overtake The most heart-in-mouth car-related one is as a child, I had a... see more
  • Help with query
    Basically, my gf just passed her driving test, she crashed the next day, she exchanged details and offered to pay repairs, the TP wouldn't wait... see more
  • Hinged, disputed
    It will be interesting to see the outcome. The interpretation of the law by TC1474 looks perfectly logical to me, the fault is with the parked... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    If safety was a real concern they would have activated the speed limiters that have been installed in cars for years now. As for revenue earners,... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    I think I would be very nervous, I would have contacted the insurers to get in writing that I was not going to have to pay for the hire, and why is... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    The MiB simply become the defendants in cases of untraced or no insurance cases and are treated in exactly the am e way as if liability was being... see more
  • Does ambient temperature affect engines?
    Ambient temperature has another effect, it changes the density of the air. Density is weight/unit volume warmer air is less dense colder air is... see more
  • Near Miss
    Thankfully, I haven't had too many incidents that spring to mind, however here is one of my own making which is worth sharing. Approx 4-5 years... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    Yes I agree, a NIP in the post is almost a status symbol, whereas the chat with the cop on the roadside is effective, even if it is no more than a... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    The frightening thing about that is, most of the time they don't know they are risking someone else's life or well-being. This may be due being too... see more
  • Not wanted here.
    On the one hand I suppose that is why humans are the most dominant animal on earth, we break the rules. Or another way of saying almost the same... see more
  • Facts
    Came across this:... see more
  • Roadwork nightmares
    Or when they impose a 30mph limit on the M25 through the variable speed limit because it is thought there might be a storm!? see more
  • Not wanted here.
    These cameras are just another form of control coupled with revenue earners. If they were serious about safety, they would be using the revenue to... see more
  • Very weird insurance story
    From what you say I wonder if the MIB are involved? My daughter's accident a few years ago involved them and they paid out an amazing amount. We... see more
  • Pranks
    That's wicked! Total found to date = 73. see more
  • Approaching middle age 😱
    @NMNeil Probably not a consideration in the US, but something that might separate millennials (& older) from younger generations, is actually... see more