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  • Speed enforced before sign
    You are perfect right i already made enquiry to team camera and i asked exact timing for each picture see more
  • Will I get fined for this?
    I’m quite a new driver so hope i explain properly! roads were very very busy, it was a very busy junction I approached the traffic lights which... see more
  • Breakdown Incident Advice
    @Rolebama Many thanks, I have also come to the conclusion it’s one of the accessories on the Serpentine Belt. The RAC to be fair, did send out... see more
  • Foreign vs. domestic travel
    I am fortunate that I have been lucky to travel around the world since I was a young boy for both pleasure and business. I used to think nothing of... see more
  • speeding
    @POP There is a time frame for all offences. If you were stopped at the side of the road and reported for summons (as opposed to being given a... see more
  • Speed enforced before sign
    You need to check where the variable actually starts and where it finishes. Mistakes do and of course can occur, but with the variables it is rare... see more
  • Speed enforced before sign
    You've already had the correct answer on the MSE forum! ​​​​​​​Try ftla.uk for a full house. see more
  • Breakdown Incident Advice
    Purely guesses, but my first thoughts are alternator bearings or water pump. see more
  • Foreign vs. domestic travel
    In the Army I found that not many people mess with armoured vehicles on the road.😊 When I rode around on a motorbike there, I felt that, generally,... see more
  • Speed enforced before sign
    I can only sat that a while ago over a million pound was refunded, because a 20mph camera was installed on Uxbridge Road at Shepherds Bush in a 30mph... see more
  • ​​​​​​​Totting up Ban - re-test query
    As to the personal choice part, they probably think the risk is worth taking as the Police are so stretched, with there being so few around. see more
  • ​​​​​​​Totting up Ban - re-test query
    NMNeill: I don't know about the legality or otherwise about disabling anti-pollution gizmos, but I believe it to be quite common, although they have... see more
  • False Claim from via County Court Letter
    @TC1474 thank you again for your message. much appreciated. see more
  • Speed enforced before sign
    On M 62 Westbound between j12 and j11 I got nip for doing 72 in 50 variabile speed. Problem its gantry whit speed limit its after their camera (can... see more
  • speeding
    What do you mean by "caught"? ​​​​​​​Were you stopped by the police? Have you received a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) in the post. see more
  • speeding
    hi does anyone know if speeding fines run out i was caught 4 months ago and have heard nothing see more
  • Pranks
    Just rearranged my whisky shelves I didn't realise the miniature was there but someone pointed out maybe he's happy because there's a barrel of... see more
  • Breakdown Incident Advice
    I have full breakdown cover including Home. Briefly my car is making nasty banging/rattling noise accompanied by flickering battery and ABS warning... see more
  • Foreign vs. domestic travel
    Has anyone got a preference, and has this preference ever changed during your life? I’ve always been a keen traveler but since (not necessarily... see more
  • False Claim from via County Court Letter
    What has happened is that you claim has been handed to a claims management firm who (like many these days) are owned by the insurance company but... see more
  • ​​​​​​​Totting up Ban - re-test query
    But look at the uproar against activating the speed limiters already installed in newer vehicles in the UK. Cries of "personal freedom"; "I'll... see more
  • ​​​​​​​Totting up Ban - re-test query
    @Beelzebub Reading the article it seems that some of the other 900 cars crushed were un roadworthy, this one just had a problem with the driver who... see more
  • ULEZ Again
    I took my car in for an MOT last Wednesday. Coincidentally, a friend took his non-compliant in at the same time. He came round yesterday with his... see more